
Telegram switches account faster


Telegram is a messaging app that first launched in 2013 and has since gained an impressive following of more than 100 million users. The app, which is free to download from the iTunes Store or Google Play, allows you to create different profiles for different purposes. For example, you can have one profile for work and another for your personal life.

You can also share photos and videos with your friends on Telegram(Telegram中文) by sending them direct messages (DMs). The great thing about DMs is that they’re private conversations between two people—so unlike Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp which are public and anyone can see them unless you change their privacy settings accordingly beforehand! If someone sends something inappropriate in public chat rooms like those found on Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp then it could get embarrassing very quickly but if they send something inappropriate directly through DM then only those who were involved will know about it – meaning there’s less chance of getting caught out by others accidentally stumbling across these kinds of exchanges between friends/family members etcetera…

has today rolled out a significant update for its Android app

If you’re a regular Telegram user, chances are you have more than one account. With this update, switching between them has become much faster: just tap the new “Switch Account” button in the main menu and select your desired account from the list. You can also switch between accounts from the chats list by tapping on your profile photo or current username.

– You can now switch between accounts directly from the chats list by tapping on your profile photo or current username.

– Added a new “Switch Account” button in the main menu, to quickly switch between your accounts.

Switch accounts on Telegram faster than ever

Telegram claims the update will allow you to switch between accounts on Telegram faster than ever before. The company says the new version of its mobile app will allow you to seamlessly switch between accounts and resume chats where you left off.

The company notes: “We’ve got good news for everyone who uses multiple Telegram accounts: we’re bringing back our support for ‘fast switching between them.”

There is a new “Switch Account” button in Telegram of Android main menu

Now that you know where the switch account button is located, let’s talk about how easy it is to use. If you’re in the main menu of Telegram for Android, all you need to do is tap on the Switch Account button and then choose which account you want to use from there. It’s as simple as that! The size of this button is at least one inch in diameter (you’re welcome), making it easy for even those with extremely poor eyesight to access.

This lets you switch between your various accounts much faster than before

This lets you switch between your various accounts much faster than before. So if, for instance, you have a personal account and a work account on Telegram, this will let you switch between them with ease.

You can also use it to switch between multiple accounts in the middle of a conversation—just tap the avatar that has been added at the bottom of your screen when using one of these new features. And once again: no more annoying popups asking which account I want? which was so frustrating since I often have multiple accounts open at once (not just 2).

Telegram users can now switch accounts faster

We’re happy to announce that the new [switch account button] is available for all Telegram users starting today. The switch account button lets you switch between your various accounts much faster than before and also brings a few other minor improvements:

-You can now see the personal chats of all your accounts in one place, meaning that you won’t have to jump back and forth between different tabs anymore when switching between them.

-The separate “New” tab has been replaced with “All”, which displays all types of messages in one place: voice messages, stickers, or anything else! This will be especially useful if you have groups with lots of members because there is no longer any need to search through each one individually looking for new content.”

One more thing

This new feature is a welcome addition to Telegram(Telegram下载). It’s one of the best chat apps available today, with end-to-end encryption and tons of other features that make it worth using over WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Hopefully, this will make switching between your accounts even easier.

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